Welcome, friends!
Vendui, abbilen!
And welcome to the (unofficial) Bregan D’aerthe fan-site – which is run by the fans, for the fans! If you’re as Normal about drow as we are, you’re in for a great time as we delve into the depths of the Underdark to explore the fascinating city of Menzoberranzan, currently in the grips of a civil war. Led by Quenthel and Yvonnel Baenre, the Blaspheme fight to overthrow the influence of the Spider Queen Lolth and lead the city towards a brighter and more peaceful future.
Meanwhile, Bregan D’aerthe continues to build up the city of Luskan, paving the way for a future in which refugee drow from Menzoberranzan can find opportunity for growth and stability free from Lolth’s tyranny. Presently, the drow inhabitants of Luskan are whittling away at the lingering distrust toward their society and culture and are at last beginning to find acceptance among the surface folk.
Over here at Bregan D’aerthe’s online headquarters, we strive to keep up to date on the latest of drow lore, in addition to contributing our own, along with resources for role-playing and world-building and for just plain fun-having.
And if you’re feeling lost, don’t worry! We’ve even set aside a few of our very own scouts to help you navigate the winding pathways and surreal environments of our beloved Underdark.
Also, if you are interested in contributing some content yourself, please fill out our form! We are always accepting contributions for the latest news, art, literature, shop links, and so on.
WARNING: You are now entering the Underdark. Here be spiders.
Introducing… Valas Hune!
Valas Hune is one of Bregan D’aerthes top scouts and an unparalleled expert at navigating the treacherous caverns of the Underdark. Although he prefers to spend his time away from Menzoberranzan itself (and by ‘prefers’ we mean ‘avoids the city at all costs’), he has agreed to be your guide as you tour the city.
Don’t hesitate to ask him questions about any odd creatures you might come across, as he will happily info-dump everything he knows about them!
And if you really want a fun time, ask him to help you break into the Library of Sorcere.
WARNING: Valas will not be held responsible for any shenanigans that may ensue. He will help you enter the library and then promptly leave at the first sign of an irate Gromph Baenre. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
(Jarlaxle would like to add that if you manage to get ahold of Gromph’s stash of feywine and/or brandy, he would not decline a good drink… in fact, he may just reward you for it!)

The Bazaar
Join everybody’s favorite scout, Valas Hune, for a night (or day?) out on the town as he guides you through Menzoberranzan’s marketplace.
Here, you will find all sorts of strange and fascinating goods, from hand-crafted accessories, clothing, and toys, to exotic pets only found in the Underdark and more!

Menzoberranzan’s esteemed school of magic. Here, you will find our library, which hosts an ever-expanding collection of lore (both official and fan-created), role-playing and world-building tips, detailed and accurate summaries of the various books and resources for the Forgotten Realms setting, and our very own attempt to create a full Deep Drow language!

Curious about the exotic and mysterious home city of Bregan D’aerthe? You should be.
Menzoberranzan boasts of a rich history and culture, impressive (if a tad intimidating) architecture, and all sorts of incredible sights to behold!
More importantly, you can find the original Bregan D’aerthe headquarters here!
Interested in submitting content for Bregan D’aerthe? Great! We can always use contributions, especially for content such as:
- News: anything regarding relevant games, to official merchandise and new book releases, movie and show releases… the list could go on and on.
- Our Drow Language Project: we are attempting to build a cohesive Deep Drow language, from combining everything we can find in lore with other fan-led language contributions. Presently, we are looking for new words to add to our dictionary & language guide, grammar rules, fonts & lettering, runes and glyphs (especially for magical & divination purposes!), and common sayings.
- World-Building & Lore: do you have some fun tidbits to share about drow history and culture we may have missed? Or, perhaps, have you come up with some of your own that could help to fill in the gaps left by canon? We would happily take a look at what you have to offer! Right now, we’re not especially picky about what we’re looking for, but we do have a few themes of particular interest, such as elements of drow culture that are perhaps a bit lacking in official content, and our pet project of adding depth to the Dark Seldarine (and perhaps even expanding the pantheon?)
- Role-playing Tips: as the world of the drow continues to expand, and some of its most fascinating characters find a place in the spotlight, it can be difficult for DMs and players with limited knowledge of the novels to adequately portray certain characters (see: Jarlaxle) or the organizations and/or cultures they come from. As such, we are delighted to accept any role-playing tips and tricks you might have to offer, especially when it covers subjects rarely discussed.
- Fan-Created Goods: Jarlaxle invests in the arts and so do we. If you run your own shop that features high-fantasy goods, feel free to reach out to us about having your business listed on the Bazaar! While we do not sell anything directly on the site, we do link directly to other shops and endeavor to provide a space in which independent artists can have their works seen.
If you wish to contribute something not listed above, you are of course free to do so as long as it follows our content guidelines as listed below.
Content Guidelines
- We do not accept content that is excessively gory, violent, or sexual in its nature. Of course, we realize that this is a drow website, but we do have limitations we must abide by and we ask our fans and contributors to understand.
- Likewise, we do not accept content that is openly hateful and abusive in nature, particularly with regards to real-life groups of people. This community strives to be inclusive and supportive.
- We do not sell anything directly on the website, so bear in mind if you are submitting your own works to be sold, you must have a shop of your own that we can link to, with pictures of some of your products so that we may adequately summarize your business and set up your booth at the Bazaar.
- When submitting news and opinion pieces, we reserve the right to screen such content and request edits if we find the language used to be inflammatory. Drow (and anything even tangentially related to Drizzt, in particular) can be quite controversial within the fandom, and we do not wish to contribute to the growing toxicity within certain circles of the fanbase or the broader fanbase at large. This does not mean we do not accept constructive criticisms or fair reviews of official content; however, if we feel that such reviews have crossed a line, we may reject the submission or request some edits.
Please give us some time to review your submitted content, as our backlog can range from a few days to a few weeks depending upon how busy we are and how many submissions we have to look through.